New Developments

22.05.2024 14:27

Dear readers!

We invite you to visit our stand at the TRBE 2022 exhibition, which will be held on May 16 - 18, 2022.
Recently, our Switcher DSC 958 has undergone significant modernization, which is one of the most important options for transmitting video signal. Numerous offers in the market reduce the price and expand the use of optical methods of video transfer. Nevertheless, most of them are focused on the possibility of transmitting a video signal over long distances. Of course, in some cases it is very important. However, when choosing a set of equipment, you should also pay attention to other possibilities that are no less important for solving practical problems when creating a studio: video transfer and vice versa on the channel in the camera or on the souffler, transmitting the control of the signal on the PTZ camera, the Tally, GenLock signal. These capabilities have more complex systems.
This will be noted in expensive television systems. Optics is used relatively long ago. However, the cost of such systems limited their widespread use. When developing data transmission systems on optics, a significant decrease in its price occurred. At the same time, when using 4K, there is no other method for television, it is especially attractive that when switching to optics, a noticeable decrease in prices is observed. It is advisable to use optics directly at the entrance and exit of television equipment, excluding sufficient costs for video signal from optics in SDI.
Some PTZ cameras begin to use optical results, and after 2-3 years this solution will take place not only in PTZ and monitors, but also in other sources of video signals.
Of course, for 3G video signals, this is not so important, since copper copes with a distance of 150 meters. However, even in this case, the use of optics is more suitable, especially when creating new studios.
Currently, we have developed options for DSC958, which allowed you to have part of the optical entrance / outputs. Work in this direction continues ...

Transmitting high quality video signal from cameras to studio equipment is one of the major problems
that any studio needs to solve. When the distance to cover isn't long, traditional coaxial cable produces
good results and is relatively cheap. However, when the distance to the camera is over 100 meters there's
no alternative to fiber optic. Today fiber optic solutions are widely used in communication networks but
it's a relatively new thing in television equipment, especially in a low-end budget studios.

Most complex and expensive building blocks for creating optical communication system are wide band
'current-to-light' and 'light-to-current' converters. Fortunately these technological challenges were solved
in the last years, however television equipment seems to be lagging behind the progress, judging by the
number of products offered.

That's why we decided to design our own fiber optic camera link system that will offer wide range of functions
and still be affordable for budget minded studious: "Camera Fiber Converter" and "Studio Fiber Converter". 
Current model supports 1080p50 video mode and is available for order. Lead time is 1 - 2 months.
We will also offer Fiber Converter as an optional board for our latest DSC958 and DSC960 video switchers.
4K model is already in development.Currently, options have already been developed and are ready for sale
Simple and inexpensive systems of the system is universal for both 3G and 12G as with a return channel.

Main features of our new products:

Transmission of 3G-SDI video and audio 500 meters and more. 
Return channel for video, audio, tally and genlock and optionally PTZ camera controls.
Providing reference signal for camera.

If you want to see our Fiber Converters in action, we invite you to visit our booth at CABSAT 2022 in Dubai in May.
There aren't many similar products on the market today and we believe that industry professionals and system
integrators, especially working for small TV studious, will be intrigued.

DVLab 2022