

Plans for 2025

Today we have both prototypes and serial models of video switchers...

"Deja vu" 4 channel All-in-One


1. Gigabit Ethernet – PC/LAN connection. Required for “DejaVu Replay Controller“ software
and firmware update;
2. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 1 input (CAM1);
3. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 2 input (CAM2);
4. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 3 input (CAM3);
5. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 4 input (CAM4);
6. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 1 bypass output;
7 BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 1 replay output (REP1);
8. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 2 bypass output;
9. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 2 replay output (REP2);
10. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 3 replay output (REP3);
11.BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 3 bypass output;
12. BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 4 replay output (REP4);
13.BNC 3G-SDI – Channel 4 bypass output;
14. Power switch;
15. 12V/5A DC power supply main connector;
16. 12V/5A DC power supply backup connector (you can connect two separate PSUs
simultaneously for redundancy).


1. Features.

1 . Quick start - the device is ready to work in 1 0 seconds.

2. Continuous video recording from 4 cameras, regardless of the operating mode.

3. More than 7 hours of 1080p 50Hz video recording (512GB SSD).

4. Built-in display. Switchable modes -a Single screen / Multi-screen.

5. There is a video output to an external monitor (TV) that duplicates the image

of the built-in monitor for viewers.

6. "Deja Vu Replay Controller"program provides full system control from PC.

7. One button Marking. The idea is to mark "Exit point" of some highlights

and go back in time to automatically set the "Entry point".

This creates an "Event" (Clip) that can be played from any camera.

8. It is possible to edit the Entry and End points of the Clip.

9. All saved clips can be played back as one file.

10. T-Bar allows you to control the playback speed.

11.2-5 times Slow / Fast video playback.

12. Fast playback (2-5 times normal speed).


“DejaVu“ Instant Replay System is a simple and cost effective way to add multi-channel replay functionality to your production.

“DejaVu“ Instant Replay System is a simple and cost effective way to add multi-channel replay 
functionality to your production.  
Easy to install and easy to use, “DejaVu” Instant Replay System offers: 

  • Uninterrupted recording. Recording never stops, even In Edit or Replay modes; 
  • More than 7 hours of recorded 1080p50 video (when using 512G SSD); 
  • Slow motion (50% – 20% of normal speed) and Fast motion (200% – 500% of normal speed) playback; 
  • Playlist mode; 
  • Can be used as a simple multi-channel recorder/player; 

No PC connection is needed to operate or to configure “DejaVu” system. However, for those who 
prefer to operate from PC we offer free “DejaVu Replay Controller“ software that provides more 
flexibility, advanced playlists and multi-view support.  
“DejaVu“ Instant Replay System is well suited for: 

  •  Any live shows; 
  • Sport broadcasts – for instant replays; 
  • Sports clubs – for training, as an excellent assistant for coaches and athletes; 
  • Dance schools and ballet studios; 
  • Outdoor events – for large LED displays; 
