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DVCrypt conditional access

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 DVCrypt conditional access
Up to 32 converters in the system.
Up to 100000 subscribers.
128 packages.
CAM module.
DVCrypt conditional access cards.
CAS_ID 0x4aec registration DVB consortium
The DVCrypt system is a software and hardware complex for providing paid viewing of television programs in multi-channel
digital cable and MMDS television networks with a relatively
small number of customers. The system is designed to operate
within the DVB-C standard with standard DVB-C Set-Top Box
signal receivers (hereinafter referred to as STB) equipped with
a CAM module.

Composition of the system.
•   Processor 8 ASI / DVB-C 4RF 5ASI_remux MPEG4 / MPEG2 encoder with ASI and IP outputs.  Up to 127 converters in the system.
•   The programmer of subscriber cards.  One unique for each network.
•   Standard STB receiver of digital cable television DVB-C or TV.  Personal computer with operating system Windows XP / 2000.
Basic software:
•   The DVCrypt control program.
•   The program of personalization of cards.
General principles of conditional access:
The system fully complies with the DVB CAS standard.  Scrambling of video and audio information is carried out by the CSA algorithm key information is transmitted in ECM packages and subscription management in EMM packages.  There is an opinion that systems built by this principle are not protected from card-sharing.  (card-sharing is the transfer of keys from one receiver prefix or computer working with a paid card to the equipment of other users).  But at the design stages this was taken into account and protection from this kind of access is provided.  For obvious reasons such systems can not be described in detail we have only to state that a number of measures have been taken to close the possibility of unauthorized access which took place in some common early versions of systems of this kind.  The conditional access system DVCrypt is the original development of the manufacturer of DVB-C converters and is designed in such a way that reception of closed programs is possible on standard STBs equipped with a CAM module.  This allows you to focus on the most inexpensive subscriber receivers including those produced by Russian manufacturers for example Stavropol Signal and most importantly does not bind the operator of the cable network to a particular model.  An important component of the system is a multi-stage protection against unauthorized access which in addition to the means standard for digital TV systems provides two levels of card issuance - at the level of production of access cards and at the operator level.  First level.  Initialization of cards carried out by the system supplier.  To the customer of the system the cards are delivered already initialized with the master data and the number entered in them.  The number of cards when ordering the system is not a fixed value the customer himself determines the required quantity and subsequently has the opportunity to order an additional batch of cards with continuing numbering.  The number of cards in the network depends only on the number of cards that have been initialized.  The initialized card after this operation becomes unique for this network which ensures the independence and non-overlapping of systems for different operators for example in one city.  Second level.  Personalization of cards is the final operation with cards which is performed by the network operator before issuing to the client.  Produced by the programmer included in the delivery manufactured specifically for this television network.  And at this level it is no longer possible to change the card number.  A personalized card of one network can not be personalized by the programmer of another network except for the one in which the initial personalization was made.  Subscribers of one system do not have access to the programs of another system.
The main features:
  • Использование стандартных DVB-C приемников и телевизоров.
  • Многоступенчатая защита от несанкционированного просмотра.
  • Управление до 32 преобразователей по последовательному интерфейсу ethernet от одного технологического компьютера стандартной комплектации.
  • Работа конвертеров осуществляется в автоматическом режиме. Вмешательство управляющего компьютера в его работу производится только для загрузки и изменения параметров системы шифрации.
  • Ведение базы данных (без бухгалтерского учета) до 64000 абонентов.
  • Управление подпиской на 192 программ объединяемых в практически достаточное количество пакетов ( до 128).
  • Интеграция с программами внешнего биллинга сторонних производителей.
  • Для каждого пользователя пакет разрешенных к просмотру программ может формироваться практически произвольно и может оперативно изменяться.
  • Для доступа к закрытым каналам используется соответствующим образом подготовленная карточка условного доступа.
  • Возможность использования CAM модулей собственного производства.
  • Программатор абонентских карточек. Один, уникальный для каждой сети.